Oct 12, 2019

Guy leaves overweight girlfriend for more attractive woman

Guy leaves overweight girlfriend for more attractive woman

I recently read a sad tale from a woman named Kristina.

Back in her early 20’s, Kristina had a decent figure and a solid relationship.

For the first couple of years, life with her boyfriend was great.

They’d go to the movies…

Dine out often…

And did lots of “coupley” things together.

But then something strange started happening.

In her mid-20’s, Kristina began putting on weight.

As months rolled into years, she got bigger and bigger.

Soon, unwanted fat stuck to her like candle wax…

The clothes she once loved no longer fitted…

And her social life came to a crashing halt.

Eventually, this tore a huge hole in her relationship. Her boyfriend grew distant. He hung out with “his buddies” more often, which lead to major trust issues and tons of heated arguments. Then one day, he snapped at Kristina and said he no longer found her attractive or sexy.

Shortly after, he broke things off and got with another woman.

Unfortunately, Kristina’s story is not an uncommon one among overweight and obese women.

This sort of stuff happens all the time.

But with that said, I’ve also seen many women turn their lives around…

Save their relationships…

And go on to live happy, loving, fruitful lives.

Take one of my clients, Crystal D, for example.

Before coming across The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet, Crystal carried around 35 pounds of excess weight. 

Despite trying a bunch of strict, complicated diets…

She got no-where with them fast.

But after just 21 measly days of following my super-simple plan, she lost an eye-watering, joint-relieving 19 pounds.

Of course, everyone’s mileage varies.

But Crystal isn’t the only one who has shredded lots of unwanted fat and regained happiness using my easy-to-implement program.

To see what other women have said about The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet and how it can help turbocharge your weight loss without counting calories or carbs, click here

Nick Garcia

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